INMC News |
Christmas 1979 · Issue 5 |
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the answers then we will reply, or if of general interest, publish; or if we don’t we will pass the letter on to someone who may. Either way, to DEMAND replies to technical questions is not really on.
I would like to thank those on the committee, Kerr, Paul, Richard, and Howard (who resigned recently) for their support over the last year. To Derek for taking on the mammoth task of re-assembling the complete library (he recently sent us a bill for 10 typewriter ribbons). To all the girls at Nascom who type the mags, control the circulation and mailing lists, and Bev in particular who keeps the library in some semblance of order. And to all those members who have written articles for us. Finally to welcome Derek (the same one) and Eddie to the committee.
Who knows what the future will hold, one thing is pretty certain, Nascom RULES OK, and with any sort of luck the INMC will go from strength to strength.
D. R. Hunt |
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For the new members here is a brief explanation of what the INMC is and how it works.
The INMC is run by a committee, the members of which live in or around London. The President of the committee is Kerr Borland, Nascom’s infamous Sales Director; the Chairman is David Hunt, and the other members are Richard Beal, Derek Brough, Paul Greenhalgh and Eddie Pounce.
The committee meets every couple of weeks at each others homes, although any single meeting is generally a small subset of the whole – i.e. two or three! At these meetings various letters and articles are considered for inclusion in the newsletter, and other articles are written. Up to date most of the content of the newsletter has been generated by the committee but our pleas for material are being heard (by a few) and it is members articles that we want to print.
We also like to hear of any technical queries, either hardware or software, and if of general interest we will print them with a reply. We cannot, however, guarantee a personal reply as we do all have full time jobs, houses, cars, computers and in some cases even wives to keep us busy.
The final job of the committee is to sift through the programs that we receive and consider them for the software library. (Please note that the existing library is for Nasbug and B-Bug only, although we do hope to include Nas-Sys programs shortly). These programs are then available for a photocopying charge, to the INMC members.
This brings us on to the secretariat – viz Beverly. Bev deals with all memberships, requests for programs, magazine subscriptions etc. Unfortunately Bev has been off ill for several weeks and will not be back for some time yet. However, good fortune is with us, Val has kindly stepped in to help clear the backlog. So please bear with us while we get things straight, but don’t let any upset stop you sending in those articles!
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