Corn Corner
by Cresby
Naspen Extension from B&L (£15 disk or tape)
I only have the tape version of this but find it solves some
of the gripes of Naspen. Generally, it is claimed to be faster
in most commands but more spefically on the time consuming block
inserts, etc. A nice touch is character A0H which displays as a
triangle but prints as a space to keep blocks on one line. Eg.
equations. New commands include:–
- ‘B’
- block delete
and additions to the find command like:–
- ‘r’
- replace
- ‘g’
- global (replace all) – designed to help bad spoolers lyke me
- ‘T’
- top kill – deletes all before cursor
tHere Is A Caps Lock Which Is Handy
- ‘U’
- can unwrap the display which I prefer to use on
difficult formatting problems
- ‘J’
- command can now fail safe, and
- ‘Q’
- will overide the stop print character
The cursor stays on screen in nearly all situations now,
which is an improvement, but the cursor also goes past the end
of the line in ‘U’nwrap which makes it hard to see where the
insertion of spaces is.
The extension allows you to insert almost the whole
character set so that control characters can be dumped to the
printer, but, in desperation at Naspen itself (which recodes
some keys) I have had to modify buffer locations in Nas-Sys
starting around 1021H to get the right characters quickly. Even
then, codes 1ike 00H and FFH must be avoided which precludes
some data bytes to my printer set-up facility. The real plus was
the re-discovery that ‘i’ allows insertion of ESC which, with
my printer, invokes all the fancy fonts and highlights.
The disc version is by and large the same but sorts out all
the disc write commands transparently except that it asks for a
filename after the ‘W’ command.