In Chapter 4 the fourth example under FMT should show the
result of PRINT 7895 as 7.89500E+03, and not as 7.895000E+03.
In Chapter 4 the parameters for the ZONE command are given
in the wrong order. Zone can also be used as a function. The
correct description is as follows:
ZONE <J1>,<J2> Sets the print zone (tab) width (<a2>), and the
largest column for which printing to the next zone will stay
on the same line (<J1>), known as the ZONE LIMIT. The default
settings for these will vary accordingto the implementation,
and are specified in the scratch-pad list in appendix B, as
WIDTHT (zone limit) and ZWIDTH (zone width). The current
values for these may be obtained at any time by using the ZONE
as a function, ie PRINT ZONE(0) displays the zone limit, and
PRINT ZONE(1) displays the width.
In appendix C, in the description of the routine LEN1,
location TYPE should read NTYPE.
In appendix D the Listing of the HOME command, the Location
marked 4263 should read 4262.
In appendix D the default pointers for the auxiliary
tables are incorrect. They should read as follows:
3A80: 00 42 Start of auxiliary reserved word table
3ABA: 40 42 Start of auxiliary address table
If extra words are to be entered as temporary additions you
should use the normal scratch pad locations as in appendix B.
They will then be removed when you perform a cold start of the
BASIC. If, however, the additions are to be permanent you
should use the default locations given above. A cold start
will then still allow you to use the tables.
5. Hardware connection standards
For the information of those of you not using Nascom 3’s we
enclose details of the external connector wiring arrangements
which we use on the standard Nascom 3. In fact we had adopted
these wiring conventions before Nascom 3 was introduced. If you
use these conventions it will simplify moving periphrals between
different Nascoms if you should ever need to do this.
The standards are described in Application Notes AN-0003 to
AN-0005, which are reproduced below. Next time we will be
printing AN-0006, which deals specifically with the connection
of printers.
Nascom 2 and 3 cassette interface connections
The recommended connection used between the Nascom 2 and
cassette recorder is via a 6-pin DIN connector. This allows use
of either the high or low output to the recorder, and a
connection for switching the recorder on and off by means of
‘Castle’, or other, interface. The connections should be made as