Micropower | Volume 2, No. 3 | July, 1982 |
First, an apology for the late appearance of this issue. It
should have had JUNE ’82 on the front cover but, as it is JULY
already, this wouldn’t have been very accurate. Slapped wrist.
Must try harder.
The second point I’d like to make is about our circulation
level. We are doing very well at the moment but, ever ambitious,
we would like to do better. If you have ever considered getting
a subscription to MicroPower, now is the time to act. A
subscription actually works out cheaper than buying the issues
individually and it also means that you are guaranteed a copy of
each issue. To assure you that the quality of the magazine won’t
be deteriorating in the future, articles that will definitely be
appearing in the next couple of issues are reviews of the Hobbit
cassette system, the 32K Cmos, battery-backed RAM card and the
64K RAM card with PCG. Hardware mods that we have include one to
add 32K of paged EPROM to the N2 main board. We also have a
selection of short programs and helpful hints that we hope to
Final plea: we still need more articles, letters and
comments to help us keep the magazine going. We are rapidly
running dry of ideas to fill the magazine. If YOU send us a
decent amount of stuff in the next couple of weeks (and ever
after) it means that I won’t have to plead with you in the next
editorial. We do pay you for everything that we publish you
Happy Reading IJC