Xtal Basic Update 1.3 – September 1979
We have received the following release from Crystal, and reproduce
it here for your information.
The following ‘bugs’ are the only ones so far found in XTAL BASIC:–
In all copies up to and including serial no 55.
Caused errors in the use of scientific notation.
>M2744 | >M274E |
A6 > A9 | A5 > A8 |
In copies up to serial no 66.
‘WAIT’ command does not work properly
>M2267 | >M226F |
0A > 08 | C1 > 5F C1 F1 47 |
In copies up to serial no 88
BASIC ‘hangs’ sometimes when a string space overflow occurs
02 > 00
In copies up to serial no 106.
Caused characters within quotes of ASCII value greater than
80H to appear as reserved words under ‘EDIT’ but OK under ‘LIST’
F4 > F6
In copies up to serial no 150.
Programs longer than about 5K found to contain corrupted
lines deep within the program.
>M13E8 | >M1519 |
AF > CD 19 15 | 00 > AF BE 23 20 FC C9 |
In copies up to serial no 165.
The numbers used in the CLEAR command cannot exceed 32767.
This could cause problems if it is required to use small
machine-code programs at the top of the memory space in
systems with 32K or more RAM.
>M1813 | >M1827 | >M12B1 |
C7 > B1 12 | C7 > B1 12 | 00 > CD 7F 1B C3 D0 1 |
Now, to set TOPRAM to say, 8400H in a 32K system, you would
CLEAR 50, −31744 i.e, use negative numbers for locations
greater than 7FFFH, as in the CALL and POKE commands.
Again up to serial no 165.
Some users have expressed a preference to restrict the number
of keys that interrupt a BASIC program. This modification
will allow the program to stop if ‘BS’ is typed, and then any
key will continue. If ‘shift BS’ is typed, either when
running or when halted, the program will BREAK, as if a STOP
command had been encountered.
>M168A | >M16F9 |
52 > F8 16 18 02 | 52 > 4D 0C FE 1D CC 3E 00 FE 1E 00 00 00 00. |
All should now be well! Just save XTAL BASIC on another tape.