INMC 80 News


October–December 1981 · Issue 5

Page 11 of 71

Many thanks for an excellent mag-, but where oh where have Lawrence and friends got to? Not defected I hope.

C.G. Richards, Wimborne, Dorset.

Nasbug To NAS-SYS

I have bought several programs from the INMC80 library for my minimum Nascom 1 with Nas-Sys, but not all the Nasbug programs are available for Nas-Sys. So I decided to modify those that weren’t available. The first was Life by J Haigh and this is how it goes:

1. Load the program from 0C80 instead of 0C50. It still fits easily into the minimum system.

2. Apply the following patches (shown as address, old contents, new contents)

3) Now save it! The result is well worth the effort – a very interesting program.

Two of the patches were applied because of (non-serious) errors in the listing.

1) Centre of screen (ff)
2) Population count (m)

Spurred on by my success, I started on Robots, but my cassette recorder failed me and work stopped. I hope to report success eventually.

W.H. Turner, New Malden

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