INMC 80 News |
May–September 1981 · Issue 4 |
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After reading INMC80 Issue 3 I realised I was in a position to help many people.
The Space Invaders game published in Issue 2 is the same one that a friend of mine bought. The program needs a little explanation:
The answers to W. Squires’ letter are:–
e.g. To substitute the ‘A’ and ‘X’ keys for ‘↓’ (CD) and ‘→’ (CR) respectively.
M1040 N/L 1040 0B/1042 N/L (HEX VALUE FOR A ‘↓“) 1042 09/1058 N/L ( " " " " ‘→“) 1058 14/105C N/L ( " " " CURSOR DOWN) 105C 12/1785 N/L ( " " " " RIGHT) 1785 3A 04 0C/178B N/L (CURSOR DOWN KEY ALTERS 0C04H 178B FE 40/1790 N/L (bit 6.) 1790 3A 05 0C N/L (CURSOR RIGHT KEY ALTERS 0C05 H 1793 FE 40. (bit 6.)
As regards David Parkinsons letter, I feel that the documentation on the Nascom 2 is very good indeed, particularly the invaluable listing of NAS-SYS. The documentation on his toolkit is more than adequate and I had no problems learning to use it.
The article entitled “WHERE” must have been written by a beginner to produce such a piece of code. Try the following:–
The address of “LOCN” is popped into HL.
Please warn Nascom owners about writing BASIC programs with variable names longer than 2 letters. Although it is acceptable to do so, MICROSOFT BASIC V4.7 only stores the first 2 characters of the variable names and therefore cannot distinguish between 2 different variables having the same first 2 characters. This also applies to strings.
Finally could you print your prices for advertising in INMC80, as a friend and I have started a software firm to seel Nascom Software for the Nascom 2, and we would like to advertise in INMC80.
A. READ, Chelmsford, Essex.
(Rates are 100.00 per full page, part pages are charged proportionately – Ed.)
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