NAS-DIS 1.0 review | 7/28 |
Naspen review | 6/2 |
NAS-SYS 1 a brief glimpse | 4/21 |
Resident firmware review at June 1979 | 3/3 |
Super D-BUG review | 7/29 |
Tape interface warning (see T1 tape patch), Nasbug T1 | 1/4 |
Tiny Basic, brief details | 1/6 |
V & T assembler review | 5/17 |
XTAL Basic, brief details | 4/6 |
XTAL Basic 2.2 review | 7/30 |
XTAL Basic 1.3 update | 5/16 |
ZEAP 1.1 assembler, brief details | 1/6 |
ZEAP 1.1 assembler, review | 3/10,
5/17 |
ZEAP 2.0 assembler, review | 5/17,
6/24 |
ZEAP 2.0 mods | 7/19 |
ZEAP in EPROM | 6/8 |
ZEN assembler review | 5/17 |
Software |
8K Basic, Restore command | 4/10 |
Breakpoint command, Nasbug (and NAS-SYS) | 2/4 |
Centronics printer interface software and connections | 1/6 |
Comparing two 16 bit registers | 2/4,
6/7 |
Display of characters below 20H, Nasbug | 2/4 |
‘Fake jumps and calls’ | 6/7 |
Input ARGS, Nasbug and NAS-SYS | 5/24 |
Interrupts and NAS-SYS 1 | 6/8 |
LDI, LDD, LDIR and LDDR instructions, use of | 3/15 |
Memory map, suggested | 6/17,
7/18 |
Memory map, video | 7/27 |
Nasbug T1 tape input correction patch | 1/5 |
NAS-SYS, correct use of | 7/20 |
NULLS and Nasbug and NAS-SYS | 4/16 |
PARSE routine and Nasbug | 2/5 |
PRS routine, Nasbug | 2/4 |
Sargon Chess | 4/16 |
Software hints, 8K Basic | 4/10,
7/24 |
Software hints, machine code | 2/5,
6/24 |
Software hints, Tiny Basic | 2/17,
4/9 |
‘T’ and ‘L’ commands to
load programs | 4/9,
5/8 |
Tiny Basic, speeding up programs | 4/9 |
Unsupported opcodes | 3/5,
7/9 |
Programs |
Chase (Nasbug, machine code) | 4/26 |
Crash (Nasbug, machine code) | 4/29 |
Demon (reset jammer) (NAS-SYS, machine code) | 7/17 |
Double mastermind (Nasbug, machine code) | 2/15 |
Eliza (8K Basic) | 5/34 |
Fast array set up (Super Tiny Basic) | 2/17 |
Fruit machine (Nasbug, machine code) | 5/27 |
Go-Karting (Nasbug, machine code) | 5/26 |
Hangman (Nasbug, machine code) | 5/28 |
Hangman (8K Basic) | 6/36 |
House keeping with strings (Super Tiny Basic) | 2/17 |
INKEY$ function with 8K Basic | 4/13,
4/25 |