Committee and how it works | 6/25 |
How it works | 5/3 |
Services | 6/0 |
Software library | 3/19,
7/35 |
Hardware |
4MHz operation, Nascom 1 | 3/13,
4/11 |
4MHz operation, RAM (A) | 7/22 |
8K Basic on RAM (A) boards | 5/12,
7/17 |
Aztec UHF modulator, fitting of, Nascom 1 | 1/2 |
Bit 7 and graphics characters | 4/15,
7/10 |
Bits & PCs graphics review | 4/18 |
Bits & PCs dual monitor and scratch keyboard review | 7/8 |
Centronics printer interface connections and software | 1/6 |
Comp ‘joysticks’ review | 5/10 |
Comp S-100 bus review | 6/11 |
Documentation errors, Nascom 2 | 6/9 |
Doubling tape I/O speed, Nascom 1 | 1/3,
2/2 |
Econographics review | 7/14 |
Expansion, minimum, Nascom 1 | 6/31,
7/24 |
Expansion, Nascom 1, brief details | 4/8 |
Hardware faults, Nascom 2 | 5/15 |
IMP printer review | 7/12 |
Keyboard cabinet review | 7/14 |
Memory plague | 3/12,
7/22 |
Missing characters on display, Nascom 1 | 1/2,
6/27 |
Mk I 2.2 amp PSU correction | 1/1 |
Mk I 2.2 amp PSU improvements | 1/1 |
Multi-processors, start of | 6/4,
6/19 |
NASBUS, brief description | 1/1 |
NMI break generator, Nascom 1 | 4/14,
2/4 |
PIO operation | 2/6,
6/19 |
Port 0 floating inputs, Nascom 1 (and 2) | 2/2 |
Power supply bussing, Nascom 1 iss B | 3/13,
4/11 |
RAM (B) review | 7/23 |
RS232 to standard Cannon DP25 plug connections | 1/4 |
Serial I/O socket connections explained, Nascom 1 | 1/4 |
Snow plough, Nascom 1 | 1/2,
2/4 |
Tape I/O corrections, Nascom 1 iss B | 1/3 |
Teletype interface, Nascom 1 | 1/3 |
Teletype UART speed setting, Nascom 1 | 2/3 |
TV syncs, Nascom 1 | 4/14 |
William Stuart graphics review | 7/16 |
Firmware |
8K Basic compatibility | 4/12 |
Assemblers, comparitive review | 5/17 |
CC Soft level B Tiny basic, brief details | 4/6,
4/16 |
M5 (mini PILOT type) interpreter, mods | 6/13 |
Mushroom Basic, brief details | 5/9 |
NASBUGs and B-BUG, comparitive review | 3/16 |
Nasbug T4 description | 2/11 |