INMC 80 News


June/July/August 1980 · Issue 1

Page 15 of 48

All Change

Conversion To NAS-SYS

By Richard Beal

Many readers have requested a table showing equivalent codes for old monitors and for Nas-Sys. Many new INMC members have only ever used Nas-Sys, and have come across old programs they wish to convert. Derek Brough has made a tremendous effort in converting the T4 library to Nas-Sys, so you will find it easier to get some of these programs from the new Nas-Sys machine code program library.

To keep the table simple we have compared T4 to Nas-Sys. The older T2 and B-Bug monitors were subsets of T4, so the conversion works in the same way for them. It is not possible to show every detail because there are so many small differences, in particular the method of input and output.

NameFunction performedT4Nas-Sys
RINGet input characterCD 3E 00CF
ROUTOutput a characterCD 4A 0CF7
orCD 3B 01
PRSPrint a stringEF …00EF…00
RCALRelative callD7 ..D7 ..
SCALSubroutine callNONEDF ..
orCD 35 00
STARTReset computerC7C7
MRETReturn to montiorC3 86 02DF 5B
FFLPFlip bits in port 0CA 4A 00DF SE
MFLPFlip tape drive LEDCD 51 00DF 5F
ARGSLoad argumentsCD 97 06DF 60
INScan for input characterCD 4D 0CDF 62
orCD 69 00
INLINObtain input lineNONEDF 63
NUMConvert from ASCII to binaryCD 5A 02DF 64
TBCD3Output HL in ASCIICD 32 02DF 66
TBCD2Output A in ASCIICD 2B 02DF 67
B2HEXOutput A in ASCIICD 44 02DF 68
SPACEOutput spaceCD 3C 02DF 69
CRLFOutput carriage returnCD 40 02DF 6A
ERRMOutput error messageNONEDF 6B
TX1Output HL,DE in ASCIICD 5B 04DF 6C
SOUTString of characters to serial outputCD CC 06DF 6D
SRLXCharacter to serial outputCD 5D 00DF 6F
orCD 5E 00
RLINGet arguments from input lineNONEDF 79
B1HEXOutput half of A in ASCIICD 4D 02DF 7A
BLINKBlink cursor, get inputNONEDF 7B
CPOSFind start of lineNONEDF 7C

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