80-Bus News |
Spring 1985 · Volume 4 · Issue 1 |
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Having looked at some of the comments on returned 80-BUS questionnaires, this article will please some readers, but irritate others. I trust that those that don’t use CP/M-80 and Microsoft’s M80 and L80 package will bear with me – after all this article may prompt you to go back and read about the more obscure features of your assembler/high level language. The article assumes that the reader has a reasonable working knowledge of M80 and L80.
First I’ll start with Microsoft’s M80 macro assembler. (CAVEAT – The features exploited in these examples are present in release 3.44 of the assembler (09 Dec 1981) and do not necessarily apply to earlier releases.)
M80 includes a pseudo-op — ‘.printx’ — that prints a message on the system console whenever it is encountered during an assembly. If you ever assemble large files, then this can be used to keep you informed of the progress of the assembly and is a useful indicator that things are progressing as they should. The syntax of the command is:
.printx <marker><text><marker> e.g. .printx ★ I/O section reached ★
i.e. Following the ‘.printx’ command M80 takes the first non-space (or non-tab) character that it finds, and then sends that character and the following text to the console. It stops when it sees the same marker character again. I tend to use the ‘★’ character as my marker.
As well as indicating when certain ‘landmarks’ are
reached, it can be used to confirm that the
assembler is actually doing what you think it is
doing, and also that your assembled program
matches any particular system requirements. The
former obviously covers the case where an
assembler program utilizes the conditional assembly
feature of M80, and confirms that you have
your conditional flags set correctly. (If you have
several slightly different versions of a program to
match differing environments, then it is easier to
maintain one copy of the program than several.) In
the latter case, you may require a certain point of
your program to fall at a particular address. This
can be done with an ‘ORG’ statement, but you may
inadvertently add some extra code to the start of
the program some months later, forgetting that this
will cause one bit of code to overlay another later
on in the program!
ifdef Nascom ; If we have defined Nascom version .printx ★ Nascom version ★ else .printx ★ Gemini version ★ endif
.... ; End of section of code ret if $.GE.66h ; Check it ends before start of NMI routine .printx ★ ++++ error NMI routine clobbered +++++ ★ endif org 66h ; Start of NMI routine .....
Occasionally you may want to know the size of a program — perhaps it has to fit within an EPROM. In the past I used to enter a single line at the end of the program consisting of the one word ‘error’. The assembler always threw this out as an error, and from the error message I could see the address that the program had reached. With version 3.44 of M80 a much better way of achieving this effect appeared. It makes use of the macro feature of M80 together with parameter substitution.
Suppose you are assembling a program and want to know several things:
(i) The length of the code segment of
the program.
(ii) the length of the data segment of
the program.
(iii) the length of a particular routine
within the program. (Perhaps in some
circumstances it might have to be
overlayed by an alternative routine.)
There are two steps you have to take to achieve this:
Step 1 is to ensure that you have labels within
the program to which the assembler
will assign the appropriate values. (e.g.
‘lcode equ $-start’ at the end of the code
Step 2 is to create a macro to print out what
you want to see:
show macro a,b,c .printx ★ Program code length is a bytes ★ .printx ★ Program data length is b bytes ★ .printx ★ Access subroutine length is c bytes ★ endm
If you use the macro in the normal way (show lcode,ldata,alength) the result would be the useless messages
★ program code length is lcode bytes ★
… and so on, with just the direct substitution of
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