80-Bus News


July–August 1983 · Volume 2 · Issue 4

Page 46 of 55


by D.R. Hunt

Some more about databases, and what to do with them. In the last part, we got as far as looking at the way a database file can be split up, into records, and each record into fields of a given length. By splitting up database records into fields of fixed length, this naturally means that the records must also be of fixed length (as a record is composed of fixed length fields). This is extremely convenient, as it is relatively easy for the programmer of a disk system to enable rapid access to any byte(s) into a disk file from a given starting point. Simply, this means that if a record is 50 bytes long, and we wish to gain access to the 75th record, then the starting point of the record must be: 75 x 50 = the 3750th byte from the start of the file. Admittedly the arithmetic which takes place inside the DOS is not quite as simple, as the disk is itself split up into sectors of fixed length which are in turn spaced around a number of disk tracks, but given a map of where the DOS has originally placed the file, it is not difficult for the DOS to calculate a track/​sector address for any given record. This technique is very fast and called Random Access because it can pick up any random point within a disk. It is commonly used in database controlling programs.

A second method of data access, perhaps simpler to understand is the Sequential Access method, where a disk file is read in a sequential manner from the first byte, counting the bytes read until the correct place is reached. In a large file this can take a very long time if the required record is towards the end of the file. Random Access is therefore the prefered method of gaining access to any record when speed is important.

There are of course other ways of organising a database file, one of which is the ‘free field’ method. This may be prefered where the data to be contained in a record is likely to be of considerably different length. With the fixed field record, the record length must always be of the length of the maximum data it is to contain. This is usually fine for financial programs where money fields may be perhaps 10 bytes long, and detail fields perhaps no more than, say, 30 bytes. The utilisation of space within the records will most likely be greater than 70% and the wasted space is more than made up for in speed of access. The free field database on the other hand, may contain a record of one byte on the one hand, followed immediately by a record of a couple of K or more. The utilisation will be 100% in this instance as the length of the data determines the length of the field allocated to it. If such a file were constructed within fixed fields, the utilisation of space would easily fall below 50%, and on the basis that space must be allocated for the maximum length field, then the utilisation could end up as a few fractions of a percent. This would lead to vast acres of unused disk space. Note that ‘free field’ methods usually treat fields and records as one and the same, one record usually being one field long, although field delimiters can often be added as a further refinement.

The snag with ‘free field’ methods is, of course, finding the data. Sequential access is the only immediately possible method (I’m leaving record and field indexing till later). In this instance, not even the starting byte is known, so a sequential search has to be made for some key which will uniquely identify the record concerned. This may be a symbol not used elsewhere in any record, followed by a record number of known length (i.e. a fixed record number field within the ‘free field’ structure) or it can be a specific keyword put in by the user. In any event, a sequential search must be made of the file until the key is found.

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