80-Bus News |
May–June 1983 · Volume 2 · Issue 3 |
Page 32 of 59 |
The workings of Nascom ROM BASIC Ver 4.7 | PAGE 10 | ||
******** Now for the exciting bit – The ROM ******** | |||
Name | Addr | What the routine does | |
INIT | E019 | Copy the initial work space conditions into the work space RAM at 1000 to 105F. | |
MSIZE | E036 | Output “Memory size” prompt and get response from user. If a number is given jump to TSTMEM otherwise start at the beginning of RAM and test each successive byte until the end of RAM is found. When the end has been found jump to SETTOP. | |
Get supplied address. | |
SETTOP | E06D | Test for minimum memory requirement and if not enough jump to MSIZE to ask again otherwise save this address as the highest available memory location, allocate 50 bytes for string space and output the sign on message and the number of bytes free. Then drop through to WARMST. | |
WARMST | E0AE | Clear run-time registers and jump to PRNTOK. | |
BAKSTK | E356 | Look back through stack for FOR or GOSUB blocks and exit with HL pointing to the block. | |
CHKSTK | E38A | Check for “C” levels of stack space and output “?0M Error” if not enough stack space. | |
DATSUR | E3A7 to |
| |
ERROR | E3C1 | Output error code for error number in the E register, output the line number if needed and drop through to PRNTOK. | |
PRNTOK | E3F8 | Output “Ok” message and drop through to GETCMD. | |
GETCMD | E405 | Get a direct statement or BASIC line, CRUNCH the text and if it is a direct statement go to EXCUTE to execute it. If it is a BASIC line then move it to the program text area. | |
SRCHLN | E499 | Search for line number in register DE. | |
NEW | E4B9 | Set PROGND to start of program text area to effectively remove program from memory and execute the null program to clear all the other pointers. | |
RUNSFT | E4C5 | Execute program from first statement. | |
INTVAR | E4C9 | Clear out variables and string space an reset DATA pointer. |
The workings of Nascom ROM BASIC Ver 4.7 | PAGE 11 | ||
CLREG | E4DF | Reset stack to top of memory, clear out temporary strings, disable CONTinue and execute program. | |
PROMPT | E4FC | Output “? ” prompt for INPUT and go to get input line. | |
CRUNCH | E509 | Move text string from HL to BUFFER crunching reserved words into tokens as you go. | |
ENDBUF | E5B8 | Mark the end of BUFFER with three nulls. | |
GETLIN | E5F2 | Get an input line from monitor. | |
TTYLIN | E607 | Get an input line by character and save it in BUFFER. | |
Compare the DE register with the HL register returning flags:– | |
CHKSYN | E690 | Make sure the next byte in the code string is the same as the byte following the “CALL CHKSYN”. If not – output “?SN Error”. | |
OUTC | E69B | Output character in the A register to the terminal and output a CRLF if the current terminal width is exceeded. Character is not output if CTLOFG is set. | |
CLOTST | E6CC | Get an input character and flip CTLOFG if it is control “O”. | |
LIST | E6DD | LIST BASIC program from start (or specified line number) LINESN lines at a time. It does not take into account that graphics may appear in quotes, DATA or REM statements so the graphic character is treated as a reserved word token and expanded to the complete word. | |
FOR | E779 | Assign the initial value to the index variable and then set up a FOR block on the stack. | |
RUNCNT | E7F2 | Main execution driver loop. This gets the next statement (May be after “:” or on next line) and gives it to EXCUTE. | |
EXCUTE | E816 | Test current statement. If it is a key word then find the address of the routine from WORDTB and call it. If it is a letter then call LET to try to assign a variable. Otherwise generate “?SN Error”. | |
GETCHR | E836 |
Get next character in code string and return flags:– | |
RESTOR | E846 | Restore routine. Set DATA pointer to start of program or to specified line if a line number is given. | |
TSTBRK | E861 | Test for break key. If pressed test for control “S” (pause). If another break pressed then stop execution and output break message. | |
STOP | E870 | STOP routine. Flag “STOP” an join END. |
NASCOM ROM BASIC dis-assembled is available in ASM and LST file format.
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